Friday, May 23, 2008

whasupwidat - I think I invented it!

I was just on another blog reading about all of the things in Jen and Gabe Payne's life and posted a comment with the word "Whasupwidat" which a I am sure is a word I just came up with... or is it? Hummm, maybe I did hear it on the radio, or in a movie or 10, but I was probably close the the first 55 year old male, living in Bothell but working in Mill Creek, while watching the rain fall in the area only because we are entering the Memorial Day weekend and it always rains in this area on this weekend. But hey, whasupwidat anyway?


Payne Family said...

I am pretty sure your blog is the biggest crack-up of them all. (sorry Bobs friends and family) You are a funny guy. I was reading your posts and reminiscing about the old pond (mays that is) and it's stellar membership. I could not imagine growing up with a better bunch of people. Role models are sparse these days, and I can honestly say you have always been the prime example of an example. (Does that even make sense?)
You are a lucky guy with a wonderful family!

So fun to see/here from you!!

Rebecca Pierce said...

I remember some people in Spain who didn't speak English had learned the "word" sureappreciacha. It's a good one. They felt very colloquial knowing that word.